Sunday, December 16, 2012

"In the wake of another horrific national tragedy, it’s easy to talk about guns. But it’s time to talk about mental illness."

Monday, November 19, 2012

#Mock the Fed

This is genius - use humor to win the R3VOLUTION! :) Please watch.

Just Get Rid of the Debt Ceiling!

Geithner thinks we should just remove the debt ceiling. Great idea! We already have a worthless fiat currency. Let's just keep borrowing et inifinitum! >_<

See the video of the interview here

Sunday, November 18, 2012

What is a Dollar? I've Never Held One.

The dollar bill is defined  very specifically by the Coinage Act of 1792. What we use today are Federal Reserve Notes, a fiat currency with no intrinsic value. Below is a great article on the topic by Dr. Edwin Vieira Jr. Happy learning! Don't forget to pass it on! :)

What is a dollar?

US Mint - Coinage Act of 1792

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Voters elect dead candidates in two states

This goes to show how informed voters are!!! Read about it here
Moms, be careful about letting your boys pee outside. It may land you a $2500 ticket:

Read the story here

And it begins....

Huge surprise, right? CNN: Iranian Jet Fires on U.S. Drone

UN Arms Treaty in the Works

Not that we're surprised. Obama himself said after he was re-elected he'd be a lot freer to do this kind of thing.

Read about it here

CA Initiative 37 Fails

Voters in California voted said "No thanks!" to an initiative which would have made producers of GMO foods to label their products. I'm not sure on the rationale behind it, besides the $45 million dollar ad campaign that Monsanto mounted against the initiative. This tells me that either people are dumber than I originally thought, or money really talks above all sanity.

Read about it here

Supreme Leader Ron Paul my happy place. Thanks goes to the Onion for this:

Read it here

Oregon Election

Democrats swept the state elections, but "liberal" issues like marijuana legalization failed to pass....what does this tell us? Check out the final numbers below:

Drone Strike on Yemen

Obama celebrates victory with drone strike on Yemen? Way to go peace activists...if you voted for Obama you voted for more war.

see Huff Post story here

Friday, October 26, 2012

U.S. Senate Candidate Criticized by Both Parties for Pro-Life Comments

U.S. Senate Candidate Criticized by Both Parties for Pro-Life Comments

Murdoch was definitely misunderstood, and opponents took full advantage of the knee jerk reaction that the public tends to have whenever a pro-life candidate speaks out about the issue.


Monday, October 22, 2012

Ready for a Real Debate?

Click here for 2012 Election Central Article on the Debate

Here in Oregon, folks have already received their ballots. Tonight was the last debate between the two major party candidates President Obama and Governor Romney. But tomorrow night is something that has never been done before! Four minor party candidates will square off in a debate moderated by Larry King. It is sure to be a real educational experience. As you can imagine, the Green Party, Constitution Party, Libertarian Party, and Justice Party are going to have drastically different answers to questions. I think this is a real fantastic chance to get to know the four most popular minor parties, and what their candidates stand for. See the link above for more details. And happy voting! :)

Grunts and Grumbles - A Real Post to Follow Soon

In the last week Zoe (age 5) has started to read pretty well, and has learned to whistle (finally!! and anyone who has heard her fake whistle before is probably cheering). I have been putting together a top secret anniversary surprise for my parents, and of course all the political stuff. I seem to do these things very well. They make me feel needed, and happy, and like I might have a brain in there somewhere.

School has been another story. Yes, I have A's (for now), but I feel like I am blundering through this quarter with all the grace of a large hippopotamus. What is my problem!? School is keeping me from all the things I love to do! From my activism that it is supposed to be augmenting. I am frustrated. I can't count the number of times I've threatened to quit this quarter. Maybe next quarter I will have classes I enjoy again. Well, really it's just one awful, annoying class that is eating up all my time and energy: BIOLOGY. Many of you reading have heard my belly aching about it. I am really enjoying Philosophy and MacroEcon. But Biology is keeping me from being able to study in my Econ class, or really participate in my philosophy class....and I'm going to get my PPE (or at least that is the current plan). The PPE stands for Philosophy, Political Science, and Economics...notice no Biology or Science in that list of studies.

So, for now I am hanging on and trying to not feel like a total idiot. I am trying to enjoy all of life's pleasures - like making pumpkin muffins (and I told Garren there'd be no food in my blog! :P) Thankfully I have a wonderful husband, who doesn't grumble when the living room is dirty or when the laundry is backed up. What would I do without him?

Anyways, since you've read this far into my complaining rant enjoy some photos from the project I am working on (and don't worry, I know the ballots are out - and there will very soon be a post about voting =D )  ~Liberty and Peace~
Zoe was a flower girl this weekend in my Uncle's wedding. Here is flower girl Zoe at age 5 :) 

Me age 4 :)

Our little family :) Most don't know that my mom, sister, grandparents and I all moved up here so my parents could get married. :) Yes, my dad is my "stepdad" but I don't think of him as a step anything at all. I feel so fortunate that this wonderful man chose to be my father, and that I've been able to call him dad.
You may kiss the bride :)
I love this picture of my parents!
21 years later :)

This one was just fun!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Romney's Got Jokes!!!

Just watched this speech (I'm sure the full video is easily found), but this was SO FUNNY! And I thought many would enjoy a good laugh so close to election day.

Mitt Romney's female lieutenant governor: Hours with ‘binders’ - Katie Glueck -

Mitt Romney's female lieutenant governor: Hours with ‘binders’ - Katie Glueck -

All joking aside, check out the story behind all the binder story.

Politics - the Master Art

Shall we not, like archers who have a mark to aim at, be more likely to hit upon what is right? If so, we must try, in outline at least, to determine what it is, and of which of the sciences or capacities it is the object. It would seem to belong to the most authoritative art and that which is most truly the master art. And politics appears to be of this nature; for it is this that ordains which of the sciences should be studied in a state, and which each class of citizens should learn and up to what point they should learn them; and we see even the most highly esteemed of capacities to fall under this, e.g. strategy, economics, rhetoric; now, since politics uses the rest of the sciences, and since, again, it legislates as to what we are to do and what we are to abstain from, the end of this science must include those of the others, so that this end must be the good for man. For even if the end is the same for a single man and for a state, that of the state seems at all events something greater and more complete whether to attain or to preserve; though it is worth while to attain the end merely for one man, it is finer and more godlike to attain it for a nation or for city-states. These, then, are the ends at which our inquiry aims, since it is political science, in one sense of that term. - Aristotle in Nicomachean Ethics ca 350BCE

Another Large Co. May Shrink or Close Due to ObamaCare, Higher Taxes

Another Large Co. May Shrink or Close Due to ObamaCare, Higher Taxes

This goes exactly with what my husband, a small business owner, was recently ranting about on Facebook. Except we aren't lucky enough to throw in the towel and retire in style. Most of us will just be screwed.

Bye Facebook

Facebook is a double edged sword, so after much contemplation I realized that facebook greatly wastes my time and interferes with my inner peace. So I have said PEACE OUT! to Facebook. I didn't realize though that people would assume that meant I was somehow keeping my mouth shut all of a sudden. YEAH RIGHT! Anyways. I plan to set aside 30 minutes a day to blog. Check it out here. :)

Liberty and Peace!!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Friday, June 22, 2012

Oregon State Constitution

Even more important and pertinent to every day life than the federal Constitution is each individual state constitution (or hey, in the case of Washington state, both of their constitutions ?). I live in Oregon, so in an attempt to educate both myself and the voting public I will begin posting daily excerpts from the Oregon State Constitution. If you aren't an Oregon resident, I encourage you to study your own state's constitution. Most (if not all) states have their constitutions online.  

I plan to do this in order, so here is Article I, Section I of the Oregon State Constitution: 

      Section 1. Natural rights inherent in people. We declare that all men, when they form a social compact are equal in right: that all power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their peace, safety, and happiness; and they have at all times a right to alter, reform, or abolish the government in such manner as they may think proper. —

Read the Oregon State Constitution here 

Friday, June 15, 2012

FBI Investigating Free State Project ? ?

Just read an article about how the FBI is trying to infiltrate the FSP. In a vlog entry one activist explains the situation, and ends in saying don't live in fear, live according to your principles. "Be led by love, be responsible for your actions." This is how most all of us in the liberty movement feel. FBI look elsewhere - Free Keene is not a group of radical terrorists.

Greek Crisis Hits Hospitals Hard

This article from Reuters explains the current situation of Greek Healthcare:

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Just for a Good Chuckle....Had to Share

Alex Jones makes fun of Jack Hunter's hair. On a facebook post, Hunter replies "But my incredibly good looks are off limits. It's what's on the outside that counts."   LMAO!!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Reading List of Articles: Libertarian/Austrian Economics Primer

I stumbled upon this reading list, and thought it was worth the share. This is a primer of sorts for those interested in the topic of libertarianism/austrian economics. The author insists that this WILL NOT make you an expert, but will serve as a great starting point.

Reading List by Economic Policy Journal

Monday, June 11, 2012

Peter Schiff testifies before Congress in behalf of the free market. :)

"We're broke, maybe you haven't noticed this...We need to get the government out 
so we can bring the free market in."

Sunday, June 10, 2012

New York Food Laws Target Donations to the Homeless

New York is at it again with their crazy food restrictions. Now one cannot even donate to the homeless, because the state can't monitor the salt, fiber, and fat content of the donated foods..... >_<   

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Things in Detroit Just Keep Getting Worse...

Capital Controls Have No Place in a Free Society

Capital Controls Have No Place in a Free Society

You Defeated the Durbin Amendment!

You Defeated the Durbin Amendment!

A message from the Alliance for Natural Health


The Audit the Fed bill is finally going to be voted on in the House of Representatives, and we need to put the pressure on our Congressmen to vote YES to audit the FED. Let's hold them accountable to WE THE PEOPLE. Below are some important links:

- Text of the bill (containing simply 300 words): 

Included in the list are our very own Walden, Kurt, Wu, and Defazio. However, we need to get our Senators and other Congressmen on board.

- This is the official website and has  lots of great information, plus a petition to sign that will be faxed to your Congressmen and Senators:

I hope everyone will the sign the petition and then call or write their Congressmen and Senators today :) The vote will happen in July, but we need to put the pressure on now, and tell them that we DEMAND a full AUDIT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK. Is it so much to ask to take a look at the books?

Ron Paul on auditing the Fed :

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Give Us Our Land Back

Press release 001-0512


Citizen Coalition Requests Federal Lands to Be Returned

to the Counties

LEBANON, OR - May 25, 2012

An Oregon citizens coalition calling themselves Give Us Our Land Back is petitioning the US Congress to return ownership of federal land in Oregon to the counties of Oregon.

All US Forest Service, Bureau of Management, and National Park Service lands in Oregon will be given back to the counties, if the "Petition To De-Federalize Oregon Lands" is successful.

The online petition is at

In an letter on the website, Give Us Our Land Back executive director Mike Dubrasich wrote, "The Federal Government is trustee of 53% of the landbase of Oregon, and they have violated that trust exceedingly.

"The Federal Government has denied the rights of Oregonians to care for and steward our own forests, watersheds and rangelands; imposed fees and duties on us for use of our own public lands; erected locked gates and refused entry to the People of Oregon into our own public lands; burned vast tracts, incinerating the wealth of Oregon; destroyed our wildlife; polluted our air and water; fouled our streams; introduced exotic pests -- and in so doing our homes, businesses and communities have become bankrupted, our schools, roads and public safety have been threatened, and our economy has been crippled."

"The best stewardship arises from local ownership and jurisdiction. We residents of Oregon know our environment, appreciate and understand our watersheds, forests, and rangelands, and wish to assume responsibility for our own environment -- which is our birthright, heritage, and legacy to future generations."

"Oregon is not a colony. We are a state with the same rights, responsibilities, and equal footing with every other state in the Union. ... In order to rectify this untenable situation, we have prepared a petition to the U.S. Congress, respectfully requesting redress of our grievances by returning ownership of our public lands to the Counties."

The goal of Give Us Our Land Back is not privatization. "We wish public lands to remain public, but owned and managed by counties, not the Federal Government".

"The justifications for transferring title of federal lands back to the counties are constitutional, pragmatic, and ethical," stated Mr. Dubrasich. "The land rightfully belongs to the residents. We can do a far better job of stewardship and resource conservation of our local environment than any Washington DC bureaucracy. Justice is best served by local control."

Give Us Our Land Back is collecting signatures from across the U.S. To date citizens from 25 states have signed the Petition to De-Federalize Oregon Lands.


Additional information may be obtained from:

Mike Dubrasich, Exec Dir
Give Us Our Land Back
33862 Totem Pole Rd.
Lebanon, OR 97355

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Amendment to End Raids on Farms Fails to Pass in Senate

Here is an article on the proposed legislation, which would prevent the FDA from carrying weapons and raiding farms:

The amendment failed, but here are the Senators who supported the bill. Please write them to encourage their actions. Thank them for fighting for us, and let them know we are behind their efforts:

Monday, May 21, 2012

Smith and Thornberry Seek to Lift Propaganda Ban

Congress seeks to lift propaganda ban? Thoughts please?!

Here is what Adam Smith had to say about it:

Supreme Court Lets Stand Student’s $675,000 Penalty For Downloading 30 Songs

This is just AWFUL. Think about it, he was 15 when he downloaded and shared those songs. In my book that isn't old enough to understand the complex legalities of "piracy". Poor guy, I just feel so bad for him.

Supreme Court Lets Stand Student’s $675,000 Penalty For Downloading 30 Songs

Congress Getting Stupider According to Flesch-Kincaid Scale

"An analysis weighing congressional speeches against the Flesch-Kincaid scale—best known as that numerical score that tells you how smart you are when you run the word count diagnostic in your word processing software—reveals that legislators speak at a 10.6 grade level.
That's down from 11.5 just seven years ago. In the span of less than a decade, Congress' rhetorical skills have receded nearly a full grade, the Sunlight Foundation discovered. The report readily admits the unreliability of the Flesch-Kincaid test, which grades language on complexity, not clarity. But it is still a decent metric for judging the quality of one's words.
That quality is declining on Capitol Hill, and it's a bipartisan effort. Democrats in the 112th Congress speak at a 10.8 grade level, with Republicans declaiming at a 10.5 mark. But the GOP could take some solace in the knowledge that a reading of Democratic scores showed that the further left a member of Congress is ideologically, the more his or her grade tends to decline."

Read the full story here: Congress is Getting Stupider

Friday, May 18, 2012


Smith/Amash Amendment Voted Down. Tell your congressman this will not do!

Today the House voted on the Smith(WA)/Amash/Berman/Garamendi/Duncan(TN)/Johnson(GA)/Gosar/Hirono/Paul/Jackson Lee/Tipton/Labrador Amendment to NDAA, but they have proven once again that they are not concerned about individual liberty. The amendment failed in a 182-238 vote. Below is a link to results of the vote. I encourage everyone to make their voice heard. If your 'Representative' voted down this amendment, please call or email them to tell them how you feel.Also if your Representative voted to perserve liberty, please send them an email thanking them for supporting liberty and encouraging them to continue the fight for freedom. We need more Congressman like the 182 who did vote for this amendment.

NDAA Amendment Vote Results

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Military can't detain Americans indefinitely; NDAA shot down by Federal ...

Many of us said this to begin with. I'm so glad that the checks and balances can still work when we need them. :)

Monday, May 14, 2012

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Politicians LIE Statesmen tell the TRUTH

This is 12 full minutes of lies Obama has told. DON'T DRINK THE KOOL AID!

To many of us, this is old news. But this is a good reminder, as primary elections are happening across the country, that Republicans need to be active this election season. You cannot sit on your butt and expect that things will magically get better. Can our country take another four years of "change" ????

And I would be remiss to not point out that one politicians has had 30 years of consistency. That would be Texas Congressman, Ron Paul. :)

Don't be bullied. Don't be fooled. Do your research and then vote with your backbone, with your heart, and with your gut.  

Ron Paul Republicans

Establishment Republicans like to complain about the "Ron Paul faction", claiming that we are infiltrating the party. What they fail to recognize is that we ARE the party. In fact, the party has grown BECAUSE of Dr. Paul. Ever heard of a blue republican? How about the youth vote? I think the Republican Party would do good to welcome the R3VOLUTION into the party, and draw on its enthusiasm, organization, and truly conservative ideas. While those who support Ron Paul won't always see eye to eye with the party as it stands now (many see it as overly moderate and detached from true conservatism), I believe that the party could do well in terms of both numbers and integrity by acting as a whole. It seems as though the RNC is cutting off its nose to spite its face. Not very smart. Here is another glaring example of this happening, this time in Oklahoma:

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Here is the link to how each representative voted. If your rep voted for CISPA tell them they won't get your vote this election:

I'm not pro, but this is what I wrote to my own Congressman....can you tell I'm upset?....

Dear Congressman (Walden),

I was very upset to hear that you had voted yes on HR 3523. It was imperative to vote no, or at the very least insist on the amendment proposed by Reps Barton and Markey to ensure our own liberties are preserved. While national security is a noble cause, liberty must always come before safety. This bill, as you have voted to pass it, does nothing to preserve our liberties. As it is not prudent to have, as a national representative, someone who does not take such matters seriously, I cannot in good conscience vote for you in this current election. I understand you are running uncontested. This certainly had some sort of weight on how you voted. However, it doesn't prevent me from writing in someone else, and encouraging all citizens I know to do the same. "Any people that would give up liberty for a little temporary safety deserves neither liberty nor safety." Benjamin Franklin

Follow up: I wrote in Drew Lamb in place of Congressman Walden. I'm sure there are enough establishment Republican to re-elect Wallden this round, but next time I'm hoping he's going to get pink slipped. Oregonians - we have to make sure this man does not run unopposed AGAIN! 

May 1st "Loyalty Day"

Wish this was a joke. May 1st has VERY strong marxist connotations. Research it yourself. Maybe this deserves a response from us citizens.

 I thought our national holiday was the Fourth of July, but Obama has now declared May 1st to be "Loyalty Day" 

The libertarian non-aggression principle...RECITED BY A CUTE LITTLE GUY WHO GETS IT

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Free Online Courses by Cato

The Cato Institute is now offering free online courses! And they are 'learn at your own pace' :)

Happy learning liberty lovers!

Learn more about Cato here:

Monday, April 23, 2012

1984 is NOW

Every day I hear figures released by this or that government department or agency......and it all makes me think of George Orwell's "1984". 

If you haven't read this book yet, you really should. In the story the main character's job is to change old news stories so that figures projected by the government end up being true. No one pays attention to things long enough to realize that old news stories are being altered. If they come across them, they assume it always said that. In one part of the story these figures are broadcasted to the public. Winston knows these numbers are fictitious, symbolic and used to manipulate the populace......sounds familiar right?!

Here is a short synopsis by sparknotes:

I encourage all Americans to read this book. Realize that our liberty is being threatened, our minds manipulated. Don't let them control you. Black Out the Mainstream Media. They are a tool our government uses to control the population.

If you enjoy "1984", I also recommend:

Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World"

Ayn Rand's "Anthem"

George Orwell's "Animal Farm"

Right is right and Wrong is wrong.

We don't need the mainstream media to tell us how to think, what to think. We don't need their approval. We don't care anymore.....

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Another great political cartoon. Not sure who the credit goes to though.

Here is where I found it:

And everytime I hear this saying, I think of the Jordan Page "They say that truth is treason in the empire of lies, and the enemies of freedom are all cleverly disguised...." His music is great, and I encourage you to check it out. Here is the song with this line:

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Great Political Cartoon Underlines American Preoccupations

Had to share this political cartoon - I thought it was swell. Do you hear the call? Or are you too preoccupied to see what's coming? Check out the artists personal blog here:

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Nazi Party Has Their First Official Lobbyist in D.C.

This is a really interesting read!

A Little Satire Goes A Long Way

In my persuasive writing class our first assignment was based on Swift's "A Modest Proposal" - I had posted a link to the essay in a previous blog post. Check out my own 'Modest Proposal', which is a satire on the nanny state.

My Most Modest Proposal
Regarding the Dangers of Driving and Saving Innumerable American Lives

The number of vehicles which are involved in collisions each and every day is staggering. The number alone of those reported to authorities numbers in the tens of thousands. Especially effected are young people, being easily distracted at the wheel, and the elderly whose vision and reaction time have been dulled by age. With the population now numbering over 300,000,000 and eliminating ten percent to account for those not yet old enough to drive, the number of American drivers would be 270,000,000.
One-fourth of this number represents teens between sixteen and twenty years of age. These drivers are immature, inexperienced, and much more likely to cause a collision than their more experienced counterparts. Another fourth would then represent those drivers ages sixty and older whose failing vision and slowed reaction time causes unsafe driving. Of the remaining half, those who are in fact safe and cautious drivers must surely be a very small percent.
States nationwide have enacted laws to prevent accidents due to negligence or inexperience. For example, many states have laws which restrict the passengers permitted in a vehicle with a driver who has been awarded their driving license for the first six months to one year. Many states have also enacted laws prohibiting the use of cellular devices to make calls or send text messages while driving. These laws doubtlessly save many hundreds of lives each day.
Unfortunately there are still many numerous causes for distraction that states fail to regulate. Any seasoned parent will attest to the distraction that a car full of children presents. It is doubtless, likewise, that pets in a car are equally distracting. While these distractions may affect an inexperienced young driver much more dramatically, it is certain that an experienced driver may become just as easily distracted by children, pets, or friends. They may also be distracted by food or drink. Worse yet they may engage in the efforts of multitasking, which is so typical of American drivers. Women may put on make-up. Men may put on their ties or shave. Even the act of changing a cd, radio station, or the settings of a vehicle’s climate control system may lead to disastrous ends.
More dangers come to mind when considering the safety of drivers. Drivers who are ill or emotionally compromised are less likely to drive safely. Drivers may be in a region they are not familiar with, and therefore be ill-equipped for inclimate weather such as snow or heavy rain. How many vehicles do we see on the side of the road after a surprise snow shower?  The number of crashes will necessarily increase in these cases.
How then do we eliminate the unnecessary deaths and injuries, and their related costs to society at large caused by crashes and collisions? It seems a viable option to restrict the use of motorized vehicles to state certified public transportation. Wasn’t it the states themselves though who have certified so many careless and inefficient drivers in the first place? What if we were to create new, more stringent standards for drivers? Limit the act only to those whose profession it would be to transport people and goods? Doubtlessly, professional drivers would fatigue, especially towards the end of the work week, and become just as apt to create a traffic accident.
Therefore since motor vehicles are large and capable of destruction, and human beings are fallible in their very nature, I propose we abolish the act of driving all together. This not only eliminates those terrible accidents caused by motorized vehicles, but there are also many other benefits. The obesity crisis which has struck our nation would be necessarily eliminated. It would also practically remove the need for oil. Lastly, it would promote a cleaner and more balanced eco-system.
What would we do with all of those confiscated motor vehicles, one might ask? We will recycle them into bicycles to be used by each citizen over the age of six years old. We can make special carriers for small children, groceries, and the like. For larger loads, one could rent a horse and cart. This would not only save many numerous lives and promote a healthy lifestyle, but would also discourage the habit of accumulating unnecessary items.
For intercontinental travel I would suggest trains, however, many recent stories of train derailments and collisions prove that this would be as hazardous as using a motor vehicle. Therefore I suggest that a traveler simple ride their bicycle to the nearest airport and fly to their destination. Airplanes are statistically the safest mode of transportation.
The total elimination of motorized vehicles is the only sure way to save lives. With the accumulation of more and more state regulations to ensure good decision making, it would ultimately be the result. Why delay it? Proponents of individual freedom may suggest that one must simply acknowledge that they are making an active choice to ride or drive in a motorized vehicle; to recognize the risk of life and limb because it is impossible to control the actions of others. These same people may declare that it is as easy as taking responsibility for one’s vehicle, for one’s passengers, and for every other vehicle and pedestrian whom they pass on the roadway.  In short, they would insist each person take the responsibility to be careful and vigilant drivers. The very idea is absurd.
It is not possible to convince people that motorized vehicles are dangerous, and should be handled carefully and deliberately. No one would take responsibility for their vehicle and their decisions while operating said vehicle. Nor would they be respectful and thoughtful of each and every other vehicle and pedestrian simultaneously using the roadways. It is true that each human being is capable of different levels of cerebral activity. Ergo while one driver may be able to safely multitask while driving, others may not.  How could this possibly be determined by the state? 
Parents do not teach their children to be respectful, cautious, or to know their own limitations. Ad campaigns and parental education, or even programs in schools to promote safe driving and critical thinking would cost the state too much money. It would be a futile exercise. All of these facts are well known to be true. Who would contest what I have said? Since it is in the best interest of man to control his fellow man through governmental regulations on their individual lives, and to dictate common sense instead of encouraging it, it is therefore most expedient to instead abolish all motorized vehicles (cars, trucks, SUV’s, scooters, motorcycles, et al) from use by civilian drivers. With thousands of accidents occurring daily, I would add that the sooner this is implemented the more lives will effectively be saved.

Liberty and Peace Politikrys

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

"A Modest Proposal"

We read an essay in my composition class which resounded with me.

Read it here (it's very short):

Here was my response to the essay:

I found Swift’s “A Modest Proposal” to be an apt and witty political commentary. Several emotions were invoked during my initial reading of the essay: empathy, outrage, and finally laughter and deep thought of our own current situation. Firstly, Swift begins his essay with an emotional appeal to the reader regarding the status of the poor in his country. As I read the introduction, I thought it was a “tale as old as time”. What then, can we do to help the poor?

Finally, Swift arrives at what I thought must have been the punch line. He says, instead of eating babies we could always decide to only buy goods made in our country, landlords could decide to be compassionate, merchants could decide to have fair prices, we could encourage women to moral, and our countrymen to cease their fighting. “Therefore I repeat, let no man talk to me of these and the like expedients, 'till he hath at least some glimpse of hope, that there will ever be some hearty and sincere attempt to put them into practice.” Obviously Swift believes people would be more apt to eat babies than to do these things.

If I read this properly as satire, with a bit of seriousness in the end, then it would explain the reason why there is so little actual supporting evidence for the author’s argument of policy. After all, what facts would one find to support the cannibalism of sweet little babies? It seems more likely that it is an appeal to his fellow citizens to reform their social policy before such a thing no longer seems bizarre. After all, if his countrymen care so little for each other that they don't consider changing their ways why wouldn't they eventually become so cold and callous that cannibalism does seem like the logical solution?

Isn't it interesting? What parallels can we draw to our own situation?

Sunday, March 18, 2012

545 vs. 300,000,000 People - By Charlie Reese

I received this via forward from a friend, and I thought it was so fantastic that I just had to share with as many people as possible.....
This is about as clear and easy to understand as it can be. The article below is completely neutral, neither anti-republican or democrat. Charlie Reese, a retired reporter for the Orlando Sentinel, has hit the nail directly on the head, defining clearly who it is that in the final analysis must assume responsibility for the judgments made that impact each one of us every day. It's a short but good read. Worth the time. Worth remembering!
545 vs. 300,000,000 People - By Charlie Reese 

Politicians are the only people in the world who create problems and then campaign against them.

Have you ever wondered, if both the Democrats and the Republicans are against deficits, WHY do we have deficits?

Have you ever wondered, if all the politicians are against inflation and high taxes, WHY do we have inflation and high taxes?

You and I don't propose a federal budget. The President does.

You and I don't have the Constitutional authority to vote on appropriations. The House of Representatives does.

You and I don't write the tax code, Congress does.

You and I don't set fiscal policy, Congress does.

You and I don't control monetary policy, the Federal Reserve Bank does.

One hundred senators, 435 congressmen, one President, and nine Supreme Court justices equates to 545 human beings out of the 300 million are directly, legally, morally, and individually responsible for the domestic problems that plague this country.

I excluded the members of the Federal Reserve Board because that problem was created by the Congress. In 1913, Congress delegated its Constitutional duty to provide a sound currency to a federally chartered, but private, central bank.

I excluded all the special interests and lobbyists for a sound reason. They have no legal authority. They have no ability to coerce a senator, a congressman, or a President to do one cotton-picking thing. I don't care if they offer a politician $1 million dollars in cash. The politician has the power to accept or reject it. No matter what the lobbyist promises, it is the legislator's responsibility to determine how he votes.

Those 545 human beings spend much of their energy convincing you that what they did is not their fault. They cooperate in this common con regardless of party.
Politician is a dirty word.  We need statesmen.

What separates a politician from a normal human being is an excessive amount of gall. No normal human being would have the gall of a Speaker, who stood up and criticized the President for creating deficits. The President can only propose a budget. He cannot force the Congress to accept it.

The Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land, gives sole responsibility to the House of Representatives for originating and approving appropriations and taxes. Who is the speaker of the House
 now? He is the leader of the majority party. He and fellow House members, not the President, can approve any budget they want. If the President vetoes it, they can pass it over his veto if they agree to.

It seems inconceivable to me that a nation of 300 million cannot replace 545 people who stand convicted -- by present facts -- of incompetence and irresponsibility. I can't think of a single domestic problem that is not traceable directly to those 545 people. When you fully grasp the plain truth that 545 people exercise the power of the federal government, then it must follow that what exists is what they want to exist.

If the tax code is unfair, it's because they want it unfair.

If the budget is in the red, it's because they want it in the red.

If the Army & Marines are in Iraq and Afghanistan it's because they want them in Iraq and Afghanistan ...

If they do not receive social security but are on an elite retirement plan not available to the people, it's because they want it that way.

There are no insoluble government problems.

Do not let these 545 people shift the blame to bureaucrats, whom they hire and whose jobs they can abolish; to lobbyists, whose gifts and advice they can reject; to regulators, to whom they give the power to regulate and from whom they can take this power. Above all, do not let them con you into the belief that there exists disembodied mystical forces like "the economy," "inflation," or "politics" that prevent them from doing what they take an oath to do.

Those 545 people, and they alone, are responsible.

They, and they alone, have the power.

They, and they alone, should be held accountable by the people who are their bosses. Provided the voters have the gumption to manage their own employees...

Friday, March 16, 2012

Fully Informed Jury Association Every citizen should take a moment to check this out, especially if they have jury duty in their near future.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Tim Geithner Arrested......END THE FED!!!

You want to know who is in charge of the Fed? Ben Bernanke, who doesn't even think that gold is money:

Please do some research on the beast called the Federal Reserve Bank. There are A LOT of great resources out there. Two things I enjoyed were:

1) Ron Paul's book End the Fed, which I am constantly loaning out for others to read.

End the Fed by Ron Paul

And this fun video:

here is part 2 of the film:

I could post a million pages on the Fed. Just know it is a private bank that sets monetary policy four our country and prints of more and more money daily. This causes inflation and devalues our currency.

Happy learning :)

Sunday, February 26, 2012

An excerpt from today's polisci assignment. (I wrote this.) The topic: the presidential selection process. Thoughts?

"The current process of selecting a president, in my opinion, relies too heavily on an uneducated and apathetic citizenry. The whole process has become a popularity contest of stupefying proportions. Because Presidents are dependent on popular votes to serve in office they must necessarily cowtow to public opinion. This sounds good except for two things: first and foremost most people today have no clue about current events, and many receiving a distorted version of reality provided by mass media and their financial interests. Secondly, this leads us directly to the problem which lead the framers to create the Electoral College in the first place: too much power in the hands of the president and the tyranny of the majority.
Each period marked in the history of presidential selection, also marked an increase in the power that the president held. Where George Washington SERVED the American people, it seems today that many who run for office do so for self-gain or to push their own political agendas. Today the president makes his decisions based on congressional opinion, public opinion, the opinions of bankers and big business, and according to the opinions of other major interest groups. It is my opinion that the president should be beholden solely to the constitution. It occurs to me that there is so little in his job description laid out by the constitution, because the job isn’t supposed to be a big deal. The power is supposed to lie in the congress and the people, not in the president.
Unfortunately, people today believe that the Electoral College limits “true democracy”. So, turning back the clock to the days of the “original period” certainly wouldn’t go over well. This is ironic to me. If people realized that they give away their own power by increasing that of the president, they would certainly have a whole different view on the process. At this point, in order to make any changes to how the president is selected, there would have to be major changes to the function of the executive branch as well. I am hopeful some day we will dial back government, and return to something that more closely resembles what our nation was meant to be."

Friday, February 24, 2012

Senator Merkley responds to another one of my emails

Dear Krysta,

Thank you for contacting me to share your views about H.R. 3699, the Research Works Act which is currently pending in the United States House of Representatives.  I appreciate knowing your views on this matter.

In the Senate, this legislation would fall under the jurisdiction of the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, on which I serve.  Please be assured that I will be following the progress of this bill, and will keep your views in mind if this or related legislation comes before this committee for consideration.

If you would like to know more about my work in the Senate, please go to my website,, to sign up for my e-newsletter updates or to email me directly. 

Again, thank you for contacting me.  Please stay in touch.


Jeffrey A. Merkley
United States Senator

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Rick Santorum and Planned Parenthood

Some people are wondering about Ron Paul's new 'attack ad ' on Rick Santorum. So, to clarify the confusion, anyone who's told you Ron Paul is lying is mistaken. Rick Santorum did in fact vote for planned parenthood funding, because he said the bill had other important items on it. (Not okay to fund murder to fund other things.) He also said, he voted for title X because he had another piece coming through, title XX, that would fund abstinence programs. (It's not okay to fund murder just because we are planning to fund abstinence programs.) Please do your own research and decide for yourself if what he did was acceptable. See the links below:

Santorum Voted for Title X


On Friday, February 17th Dr. Ron Paul (Congressman from Texas and candidate for the 2012 Republican Presidential nomination) visited Richland, WA. The doors were not scheduled to open until 11am, however shortly after 10am the building was already filling up. In fact by the time the doors were due to open we were already at maximum capacity and the crowd was spilling into the hall. At one point I witnessed a police officer telling the local coordinator that he could not allow any more people into the building - we were way past maximum occupancy. The crowd overflowed into the hallways and main lobby of the hotel. Maximum occupancy of the Red Lion Hanford House is 650, and media reports that there were about 1300 there (some report 1200 and some report 1500). At least 100 people were actually not allowed into the building. Many left, but some waited outside. After his 45 minutes speech, Dr Paul went outside and addressed the waiting crowd.

I went from Walla Walla and had my 8 seat truck full. There were upwards of 100 people who made the trip from Walla Walla and Umatilla Co to see Dr Paul speak. The turn out from Walla Walla was phenomenal considering that the public had a 2 day notice of the event, which took place on a Friday morning/early afternoon.

Below are videos and my person photos of the event. The campaign reserved the front row for volunteers who helped with the event. Lucky me! I got a front row seat, and while Dr Paul didn't have much time with the crowd after his speech, I still got to shake his hand. Dr Paul went on to visit Spokane that evening, which had an even larger turn out.

Here is one news article, which has a picture of the large crowd outside: Bellingham Herald

On President's Day, Veterans for Ron Paul held marched on the White House. No major media outlet was there. This leads philosoraptor to wonder.....

Here is video of the days events:

For more on Veterans for Ron Paul, check out their facebook page: Veteran's for Ron Paul