Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Things in Detroit Just Keep Getting Worse...


Capital Controls Have No Place in a Free Society

Capital Controls Have No Place in a Free Society

You Defeated the Durbin Amendment!

You Defeated the Durbin Amendment!

A message from the Alliance for Natural Health


The Audit the Fed bill is finally going to be voted on in the House of Representatives, and we need to put the pressure on our Congressmen to vote YES to audit the FED. Let's hold them accountable to WE THE PEOPLE. Below are some important links:

- Text of the bill (containing simply 300 words): 

Included in the list are our very own Walden, Kurt, Wu, and Defazio. However, we need to get our Senators and other Congressmen on board.

- This is the official website and has  lots of great information, plus a petition to sign that will be faxed to your Congressmen and Senators: http://www.auditthefed.com/

I hope everyone will the sign the petition and then call or write their Congressmen and Senators today :) The vote will happen in July, but we need to put the pressure on now, and tell them that we DEMAND a full AUDIT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK. Is it so much to ask to take a look at the books?

Ron Paul on auditing the Fed :http://lewrockwell.com/paul/paul769.html

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Give Us Our Land Back

Press release 001-0512


Citizen Coalition Requests Federal Lands to Be Returned

to the Counties

LEBANON, OR - May 25, 2012

An Oregon citizens coalition calling themselves Give Us Our Land Back is petitioning the US Congress to return ownership of federal land in Oregon to the counties of Oregon.

All US Forest Service, Bureau of Management, and National Park Service lands in Oregon will be given back to the counties, if the "Petition To De-Federalize Oregon Lands" is successful.

The online petition is at http://giveusourlandback.org.

In an letter on the website, Give Us Our Land Back executive director Mike Dubrasich wrote, "The Federal Government is trustee of 53% of the landbase of Oregon, and they have violated that trust exceedingly.

"The Federal Government has denied the rights of Oregonians to care for and steward our own forests, watersheds and rangelands; imposed fees and duties on us for use of our own public lands; erected locked gates and refused entry to the People of Oregon into our own public lands; burned vast tracts, incinerating the wealth of Oregon; destroyed our wildlife; polluted our air and water; fouled our streams; introduced exotic pests -- and in so doing our homes, businesses and communities have become bankrupted, our schools, roads and public safety have been threatened, and our economy has been crippled."

"The best stewardship arises from local ownership and jurisdiction. We residents of Oregon know our environment, appreciate and understand our watersheds, forests, and rangelands, and wish to assume responsibility for our own environment -- which is our birthright, heritage, and legacy to future generations."

"Oregon is not a colony. We are a state with the same rights, responsibilities, and equal footing with every other state in the Union. ... In order to rectify this untenable situation, we have prepared a petition to the U.S. Congress, respectfully requesting redress of our grievances by returning ownership of our public lands to the Counties."

The goal of Give Us Our Land Back is not privatization. "We wish public lands to remain public, but owned and managed by counties, not the Federal Government".

"The justifications for transferring title of federal lands back to the counties are constitutional, pragmatic, and ethical," stated Mr. Dubrasich. "The land rightfully belongs to the residents. We can do a far better job of stewardship and resource conservation of our local environment than any Washington DC bureaucracy. Justice is best served by local control."

Give Us Our Land Back is collecting signatures from across the U.S. To date citizens from 25 states have signed the Petition to De-Federalize Oregon Lands.


Additional information may be obtained from:

Mike Dubrasich, Exec Dir
Give Us Our Land Back
33862 Totem Pole Rd.
Lebanon, OR 97355

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Amendment to End Raids on Farms Fails to Pass in Senate

Here is an article on the proposed legislation, which would prevent the FDA from carrying weapons and raiding farms:


The amendment failed, but here are the Senators who supported the bill. Please write them to encourage their actions. Thank them for fighting for us, and let them know we are behind their efforts:


Monday, May 21, 2012

Smith and Thornberry Seek to Lift Propaganda Ban

Congress seeks to lift propaganda ban? Thoughts please?!


Here is what Adam Smith had to say about it:

Supreme Court Lets Stand Student’s $675,000 Penalty For Downloading 30 Songs

This is just AWFUL. Think about it, he was 15 when he downloaded and shared those songs. In my book that isn't old enough to understand the complex legalities of "piracy". Poor guy, I just feel so bad for him.

Supreme Court Lets Stand Student’s $675,000 Penalty For Downloading 30 Songs

Congress Getting Stupider According to Flesch-Kincaid Scale

"An analysis weighing congressional speeches against the Flesch-Kincaid scale—best known as that numerical score that tells you how smart you are when you run the word count diagnostic in your word processing software—reveals that legislators speak at a 10.6 grade level.
That's down from 11.5 just seven years ago. In the span of less than a decade, Congress' rhetorical skills have receded nearly a full grade, the Sunlight Foundation discovered. The report readily admits the unreliability of the Flesch-Kincaid test, which grades language on complexity, not clarity. But it is still a decent metric for judging the quality of one's words.
That quality is declining on Capitol Hill, and it's a bipartisan effort. Democrats in the 112th Congress speak at a 10.8 grade level, with Republicans declaiming at a 10.5 mark. But the GOP could take some solace in the knowledge that a reading of Democratic scores showed that the further left a member of Congress is ideologically, the more his or her grade tends to decline."

Read the full story here: Congress is Getting Stupider

Friday, May 18, 2012


Smith/Amash Amendment Voted Down. Tell your congressman this will not do!

Today the House voted on the Smith(WA)/Amash/Berman/Garamendi/Duncan(TN)/Johnson(GA)/Gosar/Hirono/Paul/Jackson Lee/Tipton/Labrador Amendment to NDAA, but they have proven once again that they are not concerned about individual liberty. The amendment failed in a 182-238 vote. Below is a link to results of the vote. I encourage everyone to make their voice heard. If your 'Representative' voted down this amendment, please call or email them to tell them how you feel.Also if your Representative voted to perserve liberty, please send them an email thanking them for supporting liberty and encouraging them to continue the fight for freedom. We need more Congressman like the 182 who did vote for this amendment.

NDAA Amendment Vote Results

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Military can't detain Americans indefinitely; NDAA shot down by Federal ...

Many of us said this to begin with. I'm so glad that the checks and balances can still work when we need them. :)

Monday, May 14, 2012

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Politicians LIE Statesmen tell the TRUTH

This is 12 full minutes of lies Obama has told. DON'T DRINK THE KOOL AID!

To many of us, this is old news. But this is a good reminder, as primary elections are happening across the country, that Republicans need to be active this election season. You cannot sit on your butt and expect that things will magically get better. Can our country take another four years of "change" ????

And I would be remiss to not point out that one politicians has had 30 years of consistency. That would be Texas Congressman, Ron Paul. :)

Don't be bullied. Don't be fooled. Do your research and then vote with your backbone, with your heart, and with your gut.  

Ron Paul Republicans

Establishment Republicans like to complain about the "Ron Paul faction", claiming that we are infiltrating the party. What they fail to recognize is that we ARE the party. In fact, the party has grown BECAUSE of Dr. Paul. Ever heard of a blue republican? How about the youth vote? I think the Republican Party would do good to welcome the R3VOLUTION into the party, and draw on its enthusiasm, organization, and truly conservative ideas. While those who support Ron Paul won't always see eye to eye with the party as it stands now (many see it as overly moderate and detached from true conservatism), I believe that the party could do well in terms of both numbers and integrity by acting as a whole. It seems as though the RNC is cutting off its nose to spite its face. Not very smart. Here is another glaring example of this happening, this time in Oklahoma:


Tuesday, May 1, 2012



Here is the link to how each representative voted. If your rep voted for CISPA tell them they won't get your vote this election:


I'm not pro, but this is what I wrote to my own Congressman....can you tell I'm upset?....

Dear Congressman (Walden),

I was very upset to hear that you had voted yes on HR 3523. It was imperative to vote no, or at the very least insist on the amendment proposed by Reps Barton and Markey to ensure our own liberties are preserved. While national security is a noble cause, liberty must always come before safety. This bill, as you have voted to pass it, does nothing to preserve our liberties. As it is not prudent to have, as a national representative, someone who does not take such matters seriously, I cannot in good conscience vote for you in this current election. I understand you are running uncontested. This certainly had some sort of weight on how you voted. However, it doesn't prevent me from writing in someone else, and encouraging all citizens I know to do the same. "Any people that would give up liberty for a little temporary safety deserves neither liberty nor safety." Benjamin Franklin

Follow up: I wrote in Drew Lamb in place of Congressman Walden. I'm sure there are enough establishment Republican to re-elect Wallden this round, but next time I'm hoping he's going to get pink slipped. Oregonians - we have to make sure this man does not run unopposed AGAIN! 

May 1st "Loyalty Day"

Wish this was a joke. May 1st has VERY strong marxist connotations. Research it yourself. Maybe this deserves a response from us citizens.

 I thought our national holiday was the Fourth of July, but Obama has now declared May 1st to be "Loyalty Day" 

The libertarian non-aggression principle...RECITED BY A CUTE LITTLE GUY WHO GETS IT