Thursday, January 31, 2013

Our Moral Void

I was invited by a friend to write an article for one of the local universities. Great! I thought. A chance to reach out to college students. It was supposed to be a community perspective. I was expecting to hear that this or that sentence needed the punctuation changed. No big deal. I'm not vain. However, when I got feedback from the editorial board, it was that this, this, and this are blanket statements. Me? Blanket statements? So I read and reread what I wrote. It became clear to me that they didn't want a wide array of opinions. What they called  blanketing statements, just seemed like things they disagreed with or didn't understand. So here it is. With my personal notes on each one. You tell me.

Our Moral Void: The Problem of Violence in America

There are certainly many factors to consider when addressing the problem of violence in America: demographics, median income, number of single family households, gang membership, etc. One thing is certain, violent criminals hold no sanctity for human life. (This was supposedly a blanketing statement. Do you agree? Can you murder someone, and still hold human life to be sacred? I don’t think if a criminal holds his child’s life sacred, and then goes and kills a stranger that he holds human life sacred. That’s my opinion, and I’m interested to know how many people disagree.) It’s my belief that instead of attempting to legislate our troubles away, we should instead go to the source of our problem: we are facing a fundamental break down in the fabric of society. Our children are not being taught the Golden Rule; they are not being taught to love their neighbor. (I was told this is a blanket statement. Maybe it is. With a 400 word limit, I was trying to keep the premise simple. I worded it this way for the sake of brevity.  Was hyperbole in an opinion piece that unconscionable? How many kids today are being taught the golden rule? Children are not being taught this in public schools. Many children come from homes where the parents are not religious, or are busy working to provide for their families. I could change this to 'too few' children today are being taught the golden rule. Would that be acceptable? Do you disagree?)

Part of my work as a mom and political activist is to teach others about personal sovereignty and the Non-Aggression Principle. The N.A.P. is an ethical stance which denounces any use of aggression (violent force, fraud, or the threat of such) as immoral and illegitimate, except in the employment of self-defense. These principles hold individual human life to be sacred above all else. Imagine what our nation would look like if we all followed such an ethic! Additionally, the N.A.P goes hand in hand with Christianity and many other peace-oriented religions.

It is in the tradition of our nation to not only own a gun, but to be well trained in its use. (I was told this was also a blanket statement. Not all Americans own guns. Obviously what I meant was that it is part of American heritage. If you read much about our founding, guns were a big part of our culture. In many states men were required to join militias. In some states they were even required to bring their guns with them to church. In DC v Heller referenced below, Justice Scalia goes into some detail about our national heritage. This is a fact. However, I understand how it could make some anti-gun folks uncomfortable. For that I will not apologize. Some people today wish to distance our current culture from our founding values. I think it’s deplorable. If you continue reading it is clear I am talking about heritage going back centuries, and not about each and every single American today. That being said, as someone who has lived outside of our country, I can tell you that guns are part of our heritage whether every American likes this idea or not.) Without this fundamental tradition, our nation would never have been founded. In the 2008 Supreme Court ruling in the case of the District of Columbia vs Heller, Justice Scalia writes that owning a gun is a pre-existing right. Further he states that this right is among the highest, especially in defense of “hearth and home”.

Rather than take guns away from responsible, law abiding citizens (effectively erasing part of our country’s heritage), I believe it’s more prudent to attack the source of our societal woes. Each of us can do our part. Whether it’s reaching out to a friend or neighbor who needs help, or becoming a mentor for a young child, the most important thing we can do is to be a good example to others. Advocating for peace and brotherhood using such principles as the N.A.P and the Golden Rule is key in fighting violence in America. 

So what did I learn? I learned that just because I value all perspectives, it does not mean that others do. I find it despicable that our universities have crowded out freedom of thought in this way. If your opinion isn't p.c. it isn't welcomed. I had already learned that. I think I was just so excited to write about the NAP that I didn't think it through. And then again, maybe I'm out of line. 

Do you think what I said was blanket statements. Was I not clear? Is opinion not acceptable in a university paper? I'm always ready to admit I was wrong. Yet as I calm down, and think, well maybe if I just change this word or that...I get fired up again. Why should someone have to temper their beliefs so that they don't offend or provoke thought in another? Maybe that is the real issue at hand. 
In the end, if they think they are blanketing statements, they don't have to use my piece. That's okay. I will not change it though. I meant what I said. You want my opinion on violence in America, there it is. We have to teach our children to value human life (yes all life, not just the lives of people they care about).


Update: Okay, so I did make some small changes that I felt comfortable with. I swapped in a couple synonyms and made a disclaimer that it's a peace activist's perspective (that violent criminals don't hold life to be sacred). Hopefully this will work out so that they use it. By the way, my rant about universities was about ALL universities...I just wanted to clarify that. It's not a problem with any one school or set of faculty. I hope my post came across, not as a vengeful rant, but as a discussion on the current state of our national culture.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Umatilla County Libertarians Newspaper Issue #1

The Umatilla County Libertarians Newspaper Issue #1 
29 January 2013 

The Umatilla County Libertarians is a Facebook group for Libertarians and other parties, like Democrats and Republicans, who are interested in Libertarian Principles and what is going on in Umatilla County. The group can be found by searching facebook for: "Umatilla County Libertarians". It is open to all to view, but to comment requires joining. Just ask!


Over the last seven years Pendleton has been on a borrowing-and-spending binge. This has been implemented through the Pendleton Development Commission (PDC), a component unit of the City of Pendleton, and composed of the City Council members It was established seven years ago and has been borrowing from Community Bank and Banner Bank ever since . Its plan is to borrow money and then GIVE it to downtown businesses so that they can fix up their properties. Then, the city thinks they can raise taxes on these properties to pay for the loans. 

This is against Libertarian Principles. Libertarians are opposed to public monies being used to benefit individuals, as an example, Al Plute received $460,000 to fix up his St. George Apt. (the old Temple Hotel.) 

Libertarians also believe in private enterprise. Individuals who want to fix up their properties should go to the bank in their own car and borrow their own money. It is not the proper role of government to give businesses or non-proffit organizations money.

There is also a question of the viability of the cities repayment scheme of raising taxes. Already, one 'major corporation' is appealing its tax increase. 

So far the PDC has been able to make their loan payments by borrowing even more! The PDC re-negotiated its debt with Banner Bank to borrow even more, from $1.5 million to $2.5 million at 5.5% and extended the repayment date to 9/20/2012. As of the date of the audit, there was only $1.825 million for repayment. So the repayment date was re-negotiated to 12/30/2012. This will probably come to a head in a year or two.

Within the link above is a letter from the PDC's auditor, Dickey and Tremper,LLP which states in part, "We noted certain matters that we reported to management of the Agency, in a separate letter dated December 21,2012." That letter has not been found to be publicly available.


The East Oregonian had an article "Public library can't access its donations, money going to airport" 

Libertarian Comment: Every year, the airport loses money. So every year, the losses are covered by borrowing from the library. They are at $640k. The Library wants their money back. The airport needs to borrow more....

.... where there is money, there will be sticky fingers. (We had better put the sewer fund under lock and key!)
Breaking News 1/29/2013 Noon. William Sparkman and his Liberty on a road trip and are presently in Portland. It is rumored that he will be heading east on I-84 to cirlce back through Utah to the Great State of Texas. I (Mike Montchalin) sent him a note to see if he will stop in the Pendleton/Walla Walla/ Hermiston area. He was instrumental in returning the Libertarian Party to its founding principles at the 2012 convention in Las Vegas. 
Printed and distributed by Mike Montchalin at my own expense. On Facebook as Mike Montchalin 

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Look, I don't mean to go on and on about gun control on here. This had to be shared though.

Okay, hopefully soon I will be moving on to other fun political issues like abortion and gay marriage :P Just teasing. Vive le weekend!!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Reason: NY Cops Outraged New Gun Laws May Apply to Law Enforcement

"As a law enforcement officer for over 20 years, I understand the importance of instituting a new policy on mandating the limits of bullets that a regular citizen can possess, but as a matter of fact the bad guys are not going to follow this law," said Norman Seabrook, president of the correction officers union, the city's second largest.
"The way the current legislation is drafted, it actually handcuffs the law enforcement community from having the necessary ammunition needed to save lives," he said. "We must not allow this to happen."

Read the story here

Saturday, January 19, 2013


‎"Most people prefer to believe their leaders are just and fair even in the face of evidence to the contrary, because once a citizen acknowledges that the government under which they live is lying and corrupt, the citizen has to choose what he or she will do about it. To take action in the face of a corrupt government entails risks of harm to life and loved ones. To choose to do nothing is to surrender ones self-image of standing for principles. Most people do not have the courage to face that choice. Hence, most propaganda is not designed to fool the critical thinker but only to give moral cowards an excuse not to think at all." ~ Michael Rivero

Gun Laws - Heller vs the District of Columbia

Okay, here is my argument on gun control. It had to be coming right? The government may be able to ban certain types of weapons, or certain cosmetic features (exotic weapons, not in common use - this is based on Supreme Court rulings). However, in Heller vs. the District of Columbia, it has been made clear to us that the government cannot ban guns (like has been done in the U.K. for example) because it is not a right given by government. Our right to self defense, and to bear arms, is inherent and pre-exists government.

From what I understand, this is the case that Consitutional lawyers base their findings from. Here is an excerpt from the ruling,

"Putting all of these textual elements together, we find that they guarantee the individual right to possess and carry weapons in case of confrontation. This meaning is strongly confirmed by the historical background of the Second Amendment . We look to this because it has always been widely understood that the Second Amendment , like the First and Fourth Amendment s, codified a pre-existing right. The very text of the Second Amendment implicitly recognizes the pre-existence of the right and declares only that it “shall not be infringed.” As we said in United States v. Cruikshank, 92 U. S. 542, 553 (1876) , “[t]his is not a right granted by the Constitution. Neither is it in any manner dependent upon that instrument for its existence. The Second amendment declares that it shall not be infringed … .”16"

Read the full ruling here:

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

New NRA Ad Slams Obama as Hypocrite

See it here via the Washington Post
"Have you ever noticed how statists are constantly 'reforming' their own handiwork? Eduction reform. Health-care reform. Welfare reform. Tax reform. The very fact that they're always busy 'reforming' is an implicit admission that they didn't get it right the first 50 times." - Lawrence W. Reed

"No matter how disastrously some policy has turned out, anyone who criticizes it can expect to hear: "But what would you replace it with?" When you put out a fire, what do you replace it with?" - Thomas Sowell

Rand Paul vs. King Barack I - Conservative News

Rand is nicer than I am....I'd be more prone to call him a Pharaoh or Dictator....

Rand Paul vs. King Barack I - Conservative News
This New American Article describes current tensions within our government over gun control. One Texas Congressman says that if Obama passes legislation via Executive Order, he will pursue Impeachment.

Monday, January 14, 2013

World War II and American Prosperity

World War II and American Prosperity was the subject of my attention today. Tom Woods offers some great materials on his website Liberty Classroom. Dr. Robert Higgs explains that, "War equals destruction and waste of resources, and does not create wealth." He backs up this zany idea with cold hard facts and data from American History.

Here is the video that Liberty Classroom provides for this topic. It is a 39 minute lecture by Dr. Higgs:

For more resources on this and other topics, visit Liberty Classroom

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Police Search Home While Husband Bids Wife Final Goodbye

Absolutely despicable! Police show up at home to search home for prescription drugs, while husband's deceased wife is being taken away to funeral home. Apparently protecting citizens from possible drug dealers is more important than a family's dignity. By the way - this guy was a veteran to top it off! (A medic in the Korean War.)