Tuesday, February 12, 2013

SOTU - Responses

Gary Johnson:

My statement responding to the President's SOTU address:

"What we didn’t hear tonight was a President telling the truth about the real state of the Union: that we are broke -- and that he and the Congress are succeeding only in digging us deeper into a financial hole that is, in reality, the single greatest threat to the nation’s well-being. 

“Rather, we once again heard the tired argument that the challenges we face can somehow best be met by more government that costs more and taxes more. We’ve tried that. In fact, we’ve tried it so hard and so long that we have a debt totaling more than $90,000 for every worker in America. 

“And while he spent an hour laying out a mind-boggling list of things the government should do, from ‘investing’ in infrastructure, technology and energy to helping parents pick the best college for their kids, he assured us his plans will not increase the deficit by ‘a single dime’.

“That is absurd on its face, and could only be based on the same arithmetic that has given us a $16 Trillion debt.

“Once again, we witnessed a great political performance wrapped around promises that shouldn’t be made in the first place, and that we certainly cannot afford to keep.”

Watch the video of the LP's official response:

TSA at it Again

Abolish the TSA!


YAL COCC Free Markets Tabling Event

A YAL post by my friend Joel. Check it out!

YAL COCC Free Markets Tabling Event

Federally Legal Hemp A Possibility In 2013 | The Joint BlogThe Joint Blog

"The possibility of legal hemp production in America has been gaining momentum over the past several months, and the Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2013 – House Bill 525 – is seeking to make it a reality."

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