Thursday, May 30, 2013

Sovereignty and the American Spirit

Read the full document here

More on the Federalist and Anti-Federalists here

Read the full document here
Notice that it looks pretty familiar (ie the Bill of Rights)

Read the full text of the resolutions here

Read the full article here


  1. This is great I enjoyed reading it. We are in one heck of a mess & I pray that we the people can turn America around. The Commies & the Socialist have taken over our country by dumbing down our schools so young people have No pride in America , Patriotism , No respect for the flag & the millions of people that gave there life to defend America. We have been sold out by the career politicians.

  2. This was awesome, I'm going to send this to some of my liberty-minded homeschool friends.

  3. Thank you guys :) I'm glad you enjoyed it. I had a lot of fun giving this presentation back in April. Please feel free to spread it far and wide.

    ~Liberty and Peace
